Start your journey and learn more about your faith through our series of videos below. Ranging across various topics that will help you understand the decision you have made, as well as answer some of the common questions that you may have, we hope that these teachings will help kickstart your journey in the Christian faith.
Your Faith Explained: Following Jesus
Your Faith Explained: Connects
Your Faith Explained: The Bible
Your Faith Explained: Identity
Your Faith Explained: Prayer
Your Faith Explained: The Holy Spirit
Your Faith Explained: Worship
Your Faith Explained: Repentance
Your Faith Explained: Sin
Your Faith Explained: Unforgiveness
Your Faith Explained: Temptation
Your Faith Explained: The Devil
Your Faith Explained: Giving
Your Faith Explained: Evangelism
Your Faith Explained: Healing & Miracles
For videos like these and more, head over to Greenroom. It has a range of Bible-based courses with real-world tools and applications. You’ll be equipped to thrive whatever your season of life.
If you’re new to the faith or new to church, we would love to journey with you.
Drop us your details in the form below and our team will be in touch with you!